This blog belongs to Jen Walker - aspiring novelist, author, writter, and avid traveler...Thanks for stopping by.

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Query letter

Well today I finally sent my first query letter out into the big world of cyberspace. My plan had been to send a whole bunch at a time but as I had multiple tabs open in multiple Internet windows I realized the sometimes multi-tasking can have it's drawbacks. I realized the by trying to send a whole bunch at one single time I wasn't able to focus on any particular letter. Since this was my chance to make a first impression I need it to be a good one ... No a great one.

So my new plan is to send out one letter a day and perhaps more on the weekend. That way I can tailor each to the appropriate person and make sure I include all the requested items.

They say it takes several weeks to get a response (several as in 4-6 not 1-3). They also say that you are most likely to receive a whole lot of form letter rejections. Both of these I understand - yet am totally freaked out by. Wish me luck! Oh and some patience and some perseverance :)

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