This blog belongs to Jen Walker - aspiring novelist, author, writter, and avid traveler...Thanks for stopping by.

Follow me on Twitter @jenwalkerwrites

Saturday, June 25, 2011


So I have written the full novel and had it edited. Some of the comments suggested adding more dialogue and expanding certain areas. I am trying to do so but the problem I am having is relate to the dialogue. There is a scene I am expanding on where my two main characters -Athena and Luc - are having an argument. It's difficult because I generally try to avoid arugments in real life. It's also hard to portray an angry argument when I don't feel angry. So I am procrastinating.

Making it a little more complex is that I have the idea for a new novel...and right now I want to think more about that book than the one I am trying to finish. Blah - guess I can't put it off forever.

Friday, June 17, 2011


So it's my first post on my new blog...exciting and scary. I don't know if anyone will even ever look at this blog but I figure I should get one started. You see I've written a book - a novel titled "The Ending Dark". At least that's the title at the moment.

Its about a girl who travels to Paris to study abroad. It's her first trip out of the country, outside of the state even. And it's the start of a big adventure. In Paris she meets a handsome man - who as it turns out is one of her professors...and happens to be cursed.

I have a draft written and even have had it it's just down to making some changes based on the suggestions I received and writing a query letter...gulp! I hope to cronicle my journey to becomming published (fingers crossed on that) on this blog. I will try to keep up posts but I am admittedly bad at emails so this will be something of an adventure. Anyway thanks for stopping by and enjoy.